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Monday 25 October 2010

Pacing yourself.

Learning any instrument can be fun, providing that you allow it to be fun. If there is something that you are practicing and for whatever the reason you cant quite grasp it then don't let your frustration take over. If it does, then stop, try something else and come back to it when you feel less frustrated. However sometimes, relentless practice can pay off, depending on your personality and how easily agitated you get.

Give yourself realistic goals. For instance, telling yourself that you will get to grade 8 in a month is not a realistic goal and after a month you will be dissapointed and likely to quit. Realistic goals (not too high) will keep you working and give you plenty of things to practice. A good realistic goal for a beginner would be to be able to play double stroke rolls and paradiddles on the snare drum (in time  & at a medium tempo) with a metronome after 1 week.

Play along with music that isn't too challenging. Oasis is a good place to start (not to belittle the band because I like them myself) the drum patterns are pretty basic and fun to play along with. That would be FAR more instantly gratifying than trying to try and play along with the Mahavishnu Orchestra for instance.

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